Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Two Weeks

Today Gavin is two weeks old! I can't believe he is halfway to a month old. What an EVENTFUL two weeks it has been. I can't believe all the people that he has met and all that we have done. We have loved having so much time with family, despite the craziness. He has not lacked for attention, and has been held almost 24-7 for the past week and a half. Gavin loves his bouncer and will sleep in it during the day. He still eats every two hours (or sooner), leaving mom feeling like a milking factory. He only sleeps for 2-3 hour stints at night, which we are hoping changes soon. He loves to sleep on our chests, which we have resorted to the last two nights on account of it was either that, or no sleep at all.
In the hospital Gavin failed his first hearing test and then failed the left ear the second time, so today we had to take him back for his follow up test. I was a proud mommy and may have even thrown my hands up in the air when the technician told us he passed today. It's the start of a long list of things I know I will be proud of in his future.
Being parents has not been a huge adjustment. We knew we were ready to be mommy and daddy, but we were still surprised by a few things. First, we are surprised at how many diapers we go through every day. Luckily I have a husband who will do diaper duty, and regularly volunteers to do it. We are surprised at how this little guy can turn our schedule upside down. How it takes us twice as long to shower and get ready, and get out the door. We are also amazed at how we can survive on such little sleep. We are not surprised that he looks like both of us. We are also not surprised at how much we love and adore him, but quickly realized that the instant love that we heard of was so true. We can't imagine our lives without him. As we say, "He is our favorite."

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