Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Oh, the Freedom

I used to be very daring. Well at least I think so. I used to shoot guns, play sports, play with worms. I was the only girl on my T-ball team. I have been to Mexico, swam with sting rays in the Caribbean, lived with 8 other girls (that's pretty daring). Met and married my husband after only dating for three months...I'd say I'm slightly daring. Lately, my daring meter has been stuck at 0. Absolutely none. (Unless you call moving halfway across the country to the middle of nowhere daring).

Today I felt more daring than I have in a long time. And it was by far very lame. I drove from the mailbox to my apartment without my seat belt. Laugh it up. I know, that's not what you were expecting was it. But, if you knew me, you'd know that was a big deal. I like to think of myself as the seatbelt police, and may have been accused of the title by my own father. Driving without a seat belt (through the apartment complex, mind you) was the most freeing thing I have done in the last few months. I think I may do it again tomorrow. Call me a rebel.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hah- nice! With your unfortunate car wreck history, that is understood :) Love you guys-- have fun with Mom this weekend!