The day started very early with hair and makeup. We decided to do our pictures before we got married, to have more time to prepare for the reception. My mom and I picked up Taylor at his hotel, and headed down to Temple Square. I got ready in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building while Taylor....
waited so patiently for me. Didn't he look so handsome? He was very particular about his clothes, and now I see why. He looked very GQ in his suit and tie.
Then they turned Taylor around as I came out and I tapped him on the shoulder. It was so cute to see his face as he saw me in my dress for the first time.
Then we took pictures for a few hours. We walked around feeling like celebrities for a little bit. We walked around with our entourage: my mom, Tay's mom and sister and our photographer and videographer. It was way hot out, but after seeing the pictures and video, it was worth it!
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