Sunday, January 23, 2011

Grandpa's Horses

It was a little cold in the stable and Gav wasn't quite sure about all the gear he had to wear.

Grandpa Mike has a fun new hobby: Horses. This weekend it benefitted us in that we got to see him! He drove down Friday night and spent the majority of Saturday looking at two horses, both of which he purchased. This brings the Peterson horse total to 3. This morning he went to pick up Hollywood and Cougar and we tagged along. It was Gavin's first experience with live animals (other than dogs), and at first he didn't show the slightest bit of interest. Then Hollywood started playing peek-a-boo in her stall and that got a few smiles out of Gav. When we went in the arena to watch Grandpa ride, Gavin got all stiff and started flapping his arms, which he only does when he is excited. He kept craning his head around and flopping over backwards to see Grandpa and his horses. He even got to sit on Hollywood with Grandapa. Hopefully soon we can make it to Boise to actually ride them! Thanks Grandpa for coming and seeing us (and for the great dinner!)
Gavin and Grandpa on Hollywood

Just practicing sitting on Grandpa's saddle.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Half of A Year

I know it's so cliche' but I can't believe I have a six month old. People always say that it goes fast, and I am here to say it went WAY faster than I ever thought it would. He amazes us every day and his little personality is really starting to shine. Over Christmas break his two little bottom teeth popped out and I love to see him smile!
A little boat at the doctor's office
Here are some of his six month milestones:
Favorites: solids, bottles every 2 1/2 to 3 hours (he is always hungry!), his boppy, laying in Mom and Dad's bed, waking up at 4:30am, his doggy scout, sleeping on his belly with his little bum in the air and his hands tucked in by his stomach, his binki, flirting with everyone, jumping, screeching very loudly, being held, baths (in which we end up SOAKED!), laying on the floor and rolling and scooting, having his own remote, and last but not least...chewing on everything.
In his church outfit, and Great Grandpa Logsdon hat, eating his remote
Dislikes: sleeping for more than 3 hours at a time, taking naps longer than 45 minutes..Ok he doesn't like sleeping in general, being left alone for more than five minutes, rice cereal (he's got a sophisticated palate), not to be moving (his favorite is jumping).
He really is a very happy baby, despite the lack of sleep, and we couldn't be prouder to be his parents. We are constantly told how big his eyes are and how active he is. He is quite the little squirt. Here are his six month stats.
Height: 26 1/2 inches (56th percentile)
Weight: 15 lbs 11 oz (20th percentile)
Head: 17 in (35th percentile)

Despite his frequent eating he still needs to gain a few pounds. We love him so much and can't wait to see him grow up (but not too quickly!)

A California Christmas

We spent 11 glorious days in California over Christmas break! We flew there BRIGHT and early on Monday morning so we could spend as much time with the McFarlands as we could. Gavin did great on the plane ride and enjoyed pressing his nose up to the cold window and watching the clouds go by. We arrived to rain, rain, and more rain, but we decided it was much better than the snow!

We loved spending time with family, and enjoyed the days where we simply lounged around the house and did next to nothing. Grandma and Grandpa McFarland endlessly spoiled Gman and he loved every minute of it. Sadly I don't have many pictures of Christmas morning...except for this sweet one of Gavin with Uncle Jon. I guess Christmas in California calls for the sweet 80's tank tops on Christmas morning. I guess we will have to find Gavin one for next time!

After Christmas we decided to go to Monterey Bay and Carmel for a night. We found a SWEET deal online, packed up the Suburban and headed down for an adventure. When we first got there we headed down to the pier and walked around. We tasted some delicious clam chowder. Even though it was Gavin's first time at the beach, it was a little too cold this day to actually put his feet in the sand. We ate dinner, after much debate, at what turned out to be a delicious mexican restaurant. That night Gavin didn't sleep too well in the pack-and-play and ended up in the HUGE bed with Mom and Dad, which he loved.
Don't worry, he's not really a scrooge. He loves the holiday season.

The next day we woke up early and drove around. We went on the famous 17 Mile Drive and saw the very famous (at least at the Peterson house) Pebble Beach Golf Course. It was so gorgeous and I had to remind myself that it was December. Gavin loved looking at the waves crashing and would do his famous "arms straight out and stiff legs". He wasn't too sure about the wind on his face, but loved riding on Uncle Matt's shoulders. We ended the day in Capitola and Carmel and ate divine pizza at Pizza My Heart.
We were supposed to leave on Wednesday, but because of crazy snow in Utah we got to stay an extra day. We loved every minute of being in California and can't wait to go back. Thanks McFarlands for having us...last I heard they still hadn't put the pack-and-play away.